Senior adult Group
Thursdays. 1 pm at missoula Alliance Church.
It is our hope to create a space specifically catered to those who are seeking community and commonality. We recognize that this age group has an incredible amount of value to the church and should have a time to be together in order to build one another up and lend a helping hand to those in need.
We long to be together in fellowship, especially during this season that seems to be characterized by extreme isolation. Join us for a safe time of conversation and friendship every week! All are welcome!
We value a variety of ways to commune with Jesus. During our time we want to focus on methods that are a bit more traditional than we will see on a Sunday morning. Hymns being sung together will bring a joyful noise to the Lord!
We want to find ways to connect the generations throughout the church. We recognize the wisdom and life experience seniors have to pass on to the next generations. Life connects us all together, so let’s tell our stories!
Want to get involved with our Senior Adult group? Contact the office at office@macmissoula.com or call the church for more information!